The Animal Behavior Podcast
The Animal Behavior Podcast
E01: Susan Alberts on the Amboseli Baboons and Women in Primatology
Episode Summary:
In this episode, Matthew speaks with Susan Alberts (@susan_alberts), who co-directs the Amboseli Baboon Research Project (@AmboseliBaboons), a long-term longitudinal study of wild baboons.
They start out by talking about what behavior is and why animal behavior is of particular salience. Then they talk about the history of the Amboseli project, how Susan became involved in baboon research in the 1980s, and some notable results from the project. They also discuss the power of long-term, organism-focused research to reveal otherwise hidden insights into animal behavior.
After the break, they discuss the relationship that the baboon project has cultivated with the local Massai community and the leading role of women in primatology.
This week's Two-Minute Takeaway comes from Dr. Erin Siracusa (@erin_sira), a postdoctoral research associate with the Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter, U.K. Read Erin's paper about the role of familiar neighbors in individuals' fitness outcomes here (free PDF here).
Papers relevant to today's show:
1. For an overview of the Amboseli Baboon Research Project's history and major results (link to free PDF):
Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2012. "The Amboseli Baboon Research Project: 40 Years of Continuity and Change". Pp 261-288 In: Long-term field studies of primates. Edited by Kappeler, P. and Watt, D.P. Spring Verlag.
2. Paper that Susan and Matthew discussed about the effect of maternal social connectedness on offspring survival (link to free PDF):
Silk J.B., Alberts S.C., Altmann J. 2003. Social bonds of female baboons enhance infant survival. Science 302:1231-1234
The Animal Behavior Podcast is created by Matthew Zipple (@MatthewZipple) and Amy Strauss (@avstrauss). If you like what you heard, please subscribe wherever you’re listening now, leave us a rating or review, and share us with your friends and colleagues.
You can contact us at animalbehaviorpod@gmail.com and find us on Twitter (@AnimalBehavPod).
Our theme song is by Sally Street (@Rainbow_Road13), assistant professor in evolutionary anthropology at Durham University in the UK. You can find her on Sound Cloud here: https://soundcloud.com/rainbow_road_music.
Musical transitions by André Gonçalves (@fieryangelsfell), a researcher at the primate research institute at Kyoto University.
Our logo was designed by Adeline Durand-Monteil (@adelinedurandm), a master’s student in ecology and evolution. You can see more of Adeline's work on her website: https://adelinedurandmonteil.wordpress.com/.
The Animal Behavior Podcast is produced with support from the Animal Behavior Society (@AnimBehSociety).